Monday, November 21, 2011

Making a checklist: Questions that will either make or break a relationship

This guy told me that one of the reasons why he has had only one girlfriend in his life is because he has very high standards for females that most of them can't reach.

For him to be 24 years old, and only had one girlfriend, I was instantly interested in what these standards may entail.

Deciding not to go too much into detail, he just gave me the two main points on his "Checklist" that are most important to him in deciding whether or not she is even worth his time.
  1. Does she have a good relationship with her family?
  2. What is her "body count?" (the amount of men she has slept with)
Now I already knew that the amount of men that a woman sleeps with it rather important to most guys, (despite the fact that men usually sleep around a lot more than most woman do) but to care about the type of relationship she has with her family, slightly took me by surprise.

I just don't know too many men that are honestly concerned about a woman's relationship with her family to the point where the "wrong answer" can make or break this newly found interest in each other.

So I began to think about my own checklist for a man, trying my hardest not to be biased or naive in making it, here's what I came up with (in no particular order).

Do you have any children?
I understand that people make mistakes but with children comes along a "baby momma" (if you're lucky, there's only one baby momma) and I don't have the time to be the topic of conversation as to why "this new lady is hanging around daddy" or "is she our new mommy?" I'm too young for that and I don't have to put up with it, so I don't.

Do you have a girlfriend?
This may seem like a foolish question but trust me, there are many instances where men will nonchalantly have more than one girlfriend. I believe in not beating around the bush so if I do come right out and ask yo

Why don't you have a girlfriend?
Most men will take this question as an opportunity to explain why all of his ex girlfriends are obviously crazy; while I'm listening contently and putting a little asterisk next to each point. For example, "man my last girlfriend complained way too much! And always about the same thing!" He unknowingly just told me "I don't listen."

Have you ever had sex with anyone I'm close to?
This is a major make it or break it for me. No one likes to feel like a last choice so if you had some type of relationship with a friend of mine, we have no hope.

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