Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Damsel in the bed: Asking questions to improve your sex life

As a child, we have been taught that there is no such thing as a stupid question. So when learning how to do something for the first time, we are prone to ask questions so that we can better ourselves in that specific task.

For example, the first time you learned how to drive a car.

You got into the driver’s seat expecting to make mistakes. No one blamed you because you happened to hit the curb a couple of times.

All of these mistakes and questions were acceptable only because you were still in the process of learning. By making these mistakes and asking questions, you eventually became a better driver.

So why is it that we as women forget to ask questions when it comes to sex?

In the time span of two days, I came into contact with two completely different females who both had the same problem: neither of them knew what to do when it was time for them to "take control" in the bedroom.


This came as a complete shock to me simply because they are both sexually active and have been for a good amount of years.

I don't understand how you can go about making the same mistakes all because you are afraid to ask questions. 

One of the females said that when it's time for her to "put in work" she feels as though she is constantly doing it wrong while the other female says that she just lays there the entire time afraid to even make a mistake.

And again I say,


If you feel as though you are responsible enough to be sexually active then you need to take it upon yourself to make sure that you are doing it right.

Sex is supposed to be pleasurable for the male as well as the female and unless you’re content with being chauffeured around for the rest of your life then you have to jump in the driver’s seat and ask questions.

Being able to perform exceptionally well during sex is not the only perk to asking questions. THIS BLOGGER gives many reasons why a women taking control during sex is a plus to both the man and the female.

Nobody wants to be that person who everyone hates because they drive 15 miles below the speed limit and keep their blinker on for no reason.

Stop waiting for the man to take you to your destination! Learn the rules of the road and apply them next time you decide to jump in the driver’s seat. 

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